Birth of Restore
John had been working for a couple years as a Youth Pastor in Grand Haven and his Senior Pastor approached him and asked him to pray about pastoring a church. John and his wife Lisa had two little boys and had just built a home, they had no intention of leaving the area. Pastoring a church was not even on their radar, but because John's Pastor asked him to pray he did and found himself weeping over the city of Ionia.
In May of 1997 John, along with three other ministers, met with about 15 people from Ionia who desired to help start a church. At that meeting a couple said they could start the church in their house. So with 15 people they began having weekly Bible studies in June of 1997. The number of believers grew to about 30 people and they decided to rent the Ionia Middle School's Watt Auditorium. On September 14, 1997 they had their first Sunday service in the Ionia Middle School's Watt Auditorium.
The church met in the Middle School Auditorium for almost six years before purchasing their first building at 426 W. Main St. In downtown Ionia. Shortly after renovating that building they purchased the building adjacent to it at 430 W. Main St. The church grew and held as many as three Sunday morning services and a mid-week service for the next 14 years.
After various challenges and a five year building campaign, the church purchased three more buildings on Main St. Next to their existing facilities. In 2017 Restore Church had all three buildings leveled and put a parking lot in and built a brand new 450 seat sanctuary with a spacious foyer and cafe. The church also added beautifully landscaped walkways on either side of the new facility. The church still uses its original two buildings for office and children's ministry space.
Special Message from Pastor Lee Cummings