“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”
Hebrews 10:25 NLT
“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.”
1 Peter 4:10 NLT
Robin & Cindy Batchelor
DESCRIPTION: Worship life group
DAYS/TIMES: 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month from 6-8pm.
LOCATION: Restore Church Foyer
Contact: Robin & Cindy Batchelor 231-330-6285
Isaac & Alysia Blough
DESCRIPTION: We want to ‘do life with you.’ We provide a place where we’ll all be open, honest, and transparent. If we’re honest, we’re all a hot mess. We will encourage each other whether it’s jobs, marriage or kids and grow and remain faithful together.
DAYS/TIMES: Every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 3pm
LOCATION: 1770 Bennett Rd. Ionia, MI
Contact: Isaac Blough 269.838.7173 Alysia Blough 616.644.6931
Coffee & Create
DESCRIPTION: Join Cheryl Apsey and Hilma Conklin for Coffee & Create. This is a group for women who like to be creative. Bring your own snack and drink. We will provide the materials for the craft. If you are interested in joining us we ask that you bring $25 dollars to help cover the cost of supplies.
DAYS/TIMES: March 8, 2025, April 5 2025
*May - August no classes. Will resume in September 2025
LOCATION: 418 W Main St. Ionia, MI 48846
Contact: Cheryl Apsey 515-667-0342 or Hilma Conklin 616-366-5709
Cheryl Apsey
DESCRIPTION: This group is for widowed and divorced women. We want to encourage, support, strengthen, and do life together.
DAYS/TIMES: TBD Contact Cheryl if interested in attending this group.
LOCATION: 418 W Main St. Ionia, MI 48846
Contact: Cheryl Apsey 517-667-0342
Kyle and Liz Ford
DESCRIPTION: We worship a God who is creative. This group focuses on using the expressive arts to connect together and with God. Each meeting processes the week’s service and then a specific part of the narrative of scripture.
DAYS/TIMES: 1st & 3rd Sundays 1:30-3:30pm
LOCATION: 413 W Main St, Ionia, MI 48846
CONTACT: Kyle Ford 616-446-0869
Mike Platte & Gary Collins
DESCRIPTION: On Target; This life group is for MEN! Men who want to improve their shooting skills, learn about God, and enjoy some food and fellowship.
Hosts: Mike Platte & Gary Collins
Mike is a skilled bow hunter who has competed in nationally ranked tournaments and has a heart to teach others. Gary was a weapons trainer with the Department of Corrections, and currently teaches Concealed Pistol License classes for the NRA.
Come join us the second Monday of every month. Men, you don't have to have your own bow to attend but if you have one please bring it.
It's the perfect place to improve your skills and make friends!
DAYS/TIMES: Second Monday | 6:30pm
CONTACT: Gary Collins 989-436-1123
Amanda Platte
DESCRIPTION: This is a group for women who have experienced loss, heartache or are struggling to find hope. This will be a safe place to talk, share and be encouraged by other women who have had to find hope in the heartache.
Hosts: Amanda Platte
DAYS/TIMES: 2nd Monday of the month I 6:30
LOCATION: 7393 Knight Rd, Muir, MI
CONTACT: Amanda Platte 616-902-6632
Kevin and Candy Hoseth
DESCRIPTION: Kevin and Candy’s group gathers together in the foyer of the church. They enjoy coffee, snacks, and fellowship while discussing the message from Sunday morning. It is a wonderful time to learn from one another.
DAYS/TIMES: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays | 6:30pm-8pm
LOCATION: 418 W Main St. Ionia, MI 48846
Contact: Kevin 616-822-3032 or Candy 616-915-1950
Brian & Truda Sager
DESCRIPTION: This is an eclectic group that includes families, singles, married, empty nesters... you name it, they’ve got it! They enjoy a high level of authenticity with each other. They have been a great example of how the body functions in supplying each others needs.
DAYS / TIMES: 1st & 3rd Sunday | After 2nd Service
LOCATION: 739 Skyview Trail, Ionia
CONTACT: Brian: 503-318-3896
Dan & Hilma Conklin
DESCRIPTION: Everyone is welcome to join! If you aren’t connected, come join us and learn how to begin establishing relationships at Restore.
DAYS/TIMES: 2nd Sunday after 2nd service
LOCATION: Restore Church - Foyer
CONTACT: Hilma 616-366-5709
Restore Playgroup
DESCRIPTION: This group is for mom’s and their kiddos. They meet weekly for playtime, crafts, and fellowship with other moms.
DAYS/TIMES: Every Wednesday from 9:30AM-11:30AM
LOCATION: Armory and Restore Church Pre-School room. In the Summertime they meet at the park.
CONTACT: Lydia Ferguson
Jenna & Ryan Reed
DESCRIPTION: We welcome you to our connect group!
Our group is for couples with young kids, we primary focus on our marriages -
the foundation of the families!
Keeping God in the center can be difficult at times, as well as attempting to raise godly children. We would love to help you through it all!
Hope to see you there!
DAYS / TIMES: 3rd Fridays | 6:00pm
LOCATION: Restore Church Loft
CONTACT: Call or text Jenna - 616-902-4461
DESCRIPTION: Young Adults- A place where college age adults can learn and grow in the calling God has placed on their life; becoming disciples of Jesus to salt the earth.
DAYS/TIMES: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month 6pm
(See Ionia Young Adults on Facebook for more info.)
LOCATION: The Loft at Restore Church
CONTACT: Corbin - 616-902-7514 Paige - 616-902-1715
Dan & Becky Pennington
DESCRIPTION: This is a Gen Z young adult group open to high school graduates through young married couples before children who desire to grown in their faith. Leaders of this group embrace fellowship, Biblical teaching, and open discussion in a safe atmosphere to help believers develop and strengthen healthy relationships.
DAYS/TIMES: 2nd & 4th Wednesday nights through May. 6:30pm
LOCATION: 430 W Main St Ionia, MI 48846 In the Loft
CONTACT: Dan - 517-285-6136 Becky - 517-927-7530