January 7, 2023…
“...the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.”
Of this gift Sam Storms says, “The gift of mercy finds expression in any number of contexts, but probably has in view ministry to the sick or those who are discouraged and depressed, perhaps even suffering economic hardship.” People with this gift and motivation have deep compassion and empathize with the suffering. I see people called to the medical profession and hospice workers operating in this gifting.
Many years ago a women approached me after a service and told me she thought that our church should have a hospice ministry. God had not put that on my heart, but clearly had put that ministry on hers. I told her she should pray about pursuing that. She shook her head and said that it wasn’t something she felt called to do.
I know people with a gift of mercy operating in their life. They are amazing and graced in ways I never have been. They thrive as they minister to the hurting and suffering. Note the emphasis in Romans for those with this gift to do so with cheerfulness. It is not difficult to get overwhelmed when ministering to the hurting and suffering.
I have three questions for those operating a mercy gift:
-Have you experienced times of discouragement where you felt overwhelmed? In what ways did you find encouragement?
-Were there moments where situations were beyond you and you needed assistance? Where did you find help?
-Has helping the hurting become your identity or is Jesus? If so what steps will you take to bring about a healthy balance?
You are needed in the Body of Christ, but are of greatest value as you maintain your joy. God Bless you and all you do.