“Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts...”
I Corinthians 14:1 ESV
This year we are doing a seven day emphasis of fasting and prayer. We just felt that 10 days were awkward and that, in years past, the focus always seemed to end on Sunday. This year with the 1st being a Sunday we chose to end on Sunday January 8th. As in years past, you may choose whatever fast works best for you and your family. Fasting can be as light as skipping a meal daily, eliminating something you’ve been far too dependent on, such as social media, to water only for the duration of your fast. There are also the many various forms of Daniel Fasting which are easily found should you do some brief research. This year I really sensed God’s heart for us was to emphasize the desire for spiritual gifts. I am choosing the seven gifts mentioned in Romans 12:6-8 as our devotional. They have been called The Motivational Gifts. Because there are seven of them they work perfectly for our season of fasting and prayer. I am going to finish each day with questions that will challenge us and even some steps to take in application. I will probably refer to two different books in our devotional. Pastor Lee Cummings book The School Of The Spirit and Sam Storms book Understanding Spiritual Gifts, A Comprehensive Guide. All scripture is taken from the ESV unless specified. May you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (II Peter 3:18). May 2023 be the best year ever.
Pastor John
January 1, 2023…
“...if prophecy, in proportion to our faith...”
It is so powerful to note that the very same word for “gifts” used in I Corinthians Chapters 12-14 is used in Romans 12:6. Scripture being our guide, that would mean that the gifts listed in Romans 12 are every bit as much Gifts of the Holy Spirit as those mentioned in I Corinthians. Sam Storms, in his book Understanding Spiritual Gifts, says, “...I don’t see anything in the text that would lead us to believe that his use of the term charismata (Rom.12:6) is to be taken in a sense different from the way Paul consistently used it in I Corinthians 12-14.” In his book School Of The Spirit, Lee Cummings writes, “...the prophet Joel declared that sons and daughters would prophesy in the last days when the Holy Spirit was poured out (see Joel 2:28-29). When we prophesy, it is a fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. It only makes sense, then, that Paul encouraged believers in his day to ‘earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy’ (ICorinthians 14:1).” Prophecy seems to stand out from the rest of the gifts, in that we are encouraged “especially” that we should prophesy. It does take faith to prophesy that is why we do so in “proportion to our faith.” It is safe to say then, that there are degrees of prophetic use, but the exhortation is clear for us to desire to do so. That being said, lets ask ourselves three questions:
- Has the Holy Spirit ever given you something He wanted you to
share? If so how did you know it was from Him?
-Did you share with anyone what you sensed the Holy Spirit was
saying? If not why? If so what was their advice?
-What are you going to do the next time the Holy Spirit speaks?
Rest assured He will speak again. Step out in faith. You have nothing to lose, but the opportunity to encourage others. May 2023 be the year you make strides of faith.