January 2, 2023…
“...if service, in our serving...”
The word “service” can be translated “ministry” and is the preferred rendering in the KJV, NKJV, ASV. In a nutshell, this word carries the idea of giving oneself to benefit others. Some theologians believe the text speaks to the ministry of the Word. Whereas others see this word meaning the meeting of any kind of practical need including financial and material assistance.
In I Peter 4:11 this gift is mentioned by the Apostle Peter with the added exhortation, “by the strength that God supplies.” Why would strength be needed to minister or serve others? Sam Storms captures it best, “Those with the gift of serving see a need, a weakness, a person in crisis, or a task that calls for immediate action and instantly feel an impulse from the Spirit to step in and devote their energies to help bring resolution.”
It takes strength to minister to others. I know of gifted individuals that give of themselves in ministry extensively and must purposely rest afterwards to replenish. I was never more aware of this then when I went to minister prophetically in Minnesota as a part of Presbytery team. I brought gym clothes to workout at the hotel. After that first night of prophetic ministry I laid in bed eating homemade chocolate chip cookies. I had little energy to go workout physically because I had given so much spiritually.
Ask yourself these three questions:
-Has the Holy Spirit stirred your heart to meet a need? If so how did
you respond?
-Did you find meeting the need, both exhilarating and exhausting? If so how did you replenish afterwards?
-Have you discovered how to bring balance to the ministry God has given you? If not maybe purpose to do so now in writing.
You are a blessing so please pace yourself so God can use you more.