January 3, 2023…

“...the one who teaches, in his teaching...”

Even though this portion of scripture seems to relegate teaching to men, Titus 2:3 clearly implies women may also use this gift. We also know that Paul exhorted Timothy and Titus to commit to those “who will be able to teach others (II Timothy 2:2; Titus 1:9).” Even though these instructions could be seen best given to those functioning as elders or those given spiritual oversight, the scriptures offer room for those with the gift to teach to do so. Sam Storms offers a good description of this gift, “Those with this gift are capable of understanding and articulating biblical truth and defending it against the inroads of theological error. Teachers will love to study and are, in most cases, reasonably eloquent, at least to the degree that others can follow their instruction and are persuaded of the truth they communicate.”

I’ve always taken the admonition by the Apostle James in James 3:1 very seriously, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” This only makes sense, especially today, because of the enormous influence teachers have. I would add, that biblical teaching should be a recognized gift more so than a desired platform.

Ask yourself these three questions:

-Do you love to study God’s Word? If so do you set time aside to do so?

-Does questionable bible teaching upset you? Would you know how to biblically challenge teaching that is off?

-Are you able to receive correction when your stance or opinion is not supported solidly? If you aren’t teachable should your teaching be received?