January 4, 2023…
“...the one who exhorts, in his exhortation...”
Although the gift of exhortation has been connected to teaching that is probably not the emphasis here in Romans 12. Sam Storms writes, “The word used here may even include the idea of appeal, in which truths that are taught are communicated in such a way that a person is called into action and encouraged to apply biblical doctrine in practical ways.” We know the main thrust for our church gatherings is exhortation according to Hebrews 10:25. We also know that John the Baptist boldly confronted in his exhortations (Luke 3:18). The word “exhortation” is a word calling people to action. It solicits a response from the hearer. Even the Apostle James said he could show you his faith by his works (James 2:18). Even N.T. Prophecy speaks exhortation (I Corinthians 14:3).
What a powerful gift exhortation is to the Body of Christ. So needed today especially in the face of adversity. In the midst of a world gone crazy this gifting calls us back to solid application of biblical truth. It boldly encourages healthy responses in unhealthy times. It’s as if this gift screams “come on you know better, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get moving.”
I have three questions for you:
-Is there someone on your heart needing encouragement? If so do you have a plan to do so?
-Is there enough relationship with this person to speak boldly to them? Do they know you love them?
-If the shoe were on the other foot what would you want someone to say to you? In what way would you have them speak to you?