January 5, 2023…
“...the one who contributes, in generosity...”
The word for contributing has also been translated “giving.” It’s also important to note “in generosity” can be rendered “simplicity.” As much as this word is “generosity” in other places in scripture i.e. II Corinthians 8:2, 9:11,13 it is clear from deeper study that the motivation behind the generous giving is key.
It is more than possible to be generous in a low-key or anonymous fashion. Our generosity should never be based out of a need for recognition or desire for influence. Some of the most generous people I have ever known purpose not to be known for their giving. Their greatest joy is meeting a need not being recognized for doing so.
Our generosity is never a means to purchase or gain anything for ourselves when our motivation is as Sam Storms puts it “single and spiritual.” We give to meet a need not gain status. I can’t help but think of how a wrong motivation in giving cost Ananias and Sapphira their lives in Acts 5. Just prior to the Ananias and Sapphira incident Barnabas had sold a piece of property and given the money (Acts 4:36-37). Some believe Ananias and Sapphira were recognized givers and simply would not be outdone by Barnabas.
Lets ask ourselves three questions concerning giving:
-Is our giving singular and spiritual? If not what do we hope to gain by giving generously?
-Can we give without others knowing? If not why must our giving be known to others?
-What is meant by giving without our right hand knowing what our left is doing in Matthew 6:3? What is God showing you about your giving?